Virtual Open House 2nd - 6th

Elementary Virtual Open House

Please click the link beside the name of your child's teacher

PreK Open House:  https://doc-14-c8-docs.googleu...

Ms. Erin Herbert Kindergarten:  https://doc-0c-7k-docs.googleu...

Ms. Evelyn Smith Kindergarten:

Ms. Christine Bean 2nd Grade:

Ms. Misty Dunavant 2nd grade:  https://doc-00-bg-docs.googleu...

Ms. Emma Donegan 3rd grade:  https://doc-10-68-docs.googleu...

Ms. Melissa Belcher 3rd Grade:  https://doc-10-68-docs.googleu...

Ms. Angela Sartin 4th Grade:  Welcome back Video

Ms. Monique Morris 4th Grade:

Ms. Joy Veazey  5th Grade :

Ms. Krystle Walton 5th Grade:    https://doc-10-00-docs.googleu...

Ms. Angie Cary 6th Grade:

Ms. Alisha Hallum 6th Grade;

Ms. Diana Walton Special Services:  https://doc-0o-30-docs.googleu...

Ms. Michelle Pendleton Special Services:

Thank you!