Dear Brinkley School District Families, 

In an effort to remain as transparent as possible, we feel it is necessary to inform you of an incident that occurred today at Brinkley High School. 

A BHS student saw a student with two backpacks and became suspicious. Instead of informing an adult, the student told other students, and they started a group text chat about a gun. The school briefly went on lockdown to stop the movement of any students while we quietly brought the student with the two backpacks to the office to investigate the situation. 

Out of precaution, the school district secured the buildings, and the police were notified. No gun was seen by any students or found on the suspected students. Takis chips were found in both bags. 

We appreciate your willingness to continually trust us with your children.  We make every effort to provide them with a safe and caring environment while at school. 

If you have any question or concerns, please feel free to contact your child’s school or my office at 870-734-5105. 

Thank You, 

Dr. Brenda Poole,

Superintendent of Schools 

Dr. Brenda Poole, NBCTSuperintendent

Brinkley Public Schools


"Paving the Way for Every Child's Success."

Everyone. Everyday