June 30, 2020
https://bit.ly/3eOugsW "Click on the link above to fill out form" Parents, if you selected the virtual option on the reentry to school survey; you need to complete this attac...
June 22, 2020
Brinkley School Community,
behalf of the Brinkley Public Schools, I would like to thank our students,
staff and families for your patience, support and com...
May 19, 2020
Congratulations to the Brinkley High School class of 2020 graduates. We salute you for all your hard work and accomplishments. The future is bright and the future is yours.
May 12, 2020
UAMS and Mid Delta Health Systems will be conducting a COVID-19 drive-thru screening on Wednesday, May 13th at the Brinkley Convention Center from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm.
April 28, 2020
Notice: Bus drivers will be running their regular bus routes on Wednesday, April 29th, starting at 9:00 am. Students and/or parents should be looking out for the bus drivers at ...
April 1, 2020
Notice: Bus drivers will be running their regular bus routes on Friday, April 3rd, starting at 9:30 am. Students and/or parents should be looking out for the bus drivers at thei...
March 30, 2020
Here is the URL to our staff emails. You can contact your students teachers for assistance.
http://www.brinkleyschools.com/o/bps/staff <Click the link above>
March 18, 2020
Report cards are to be picked up on Thursday, March 19th. High School report cards will be available in the Annex office. Elementary report cards will be available in the Elem...
March 15, 2020
School will be in session Monday, March 16th and will dismiss on Tuesday, March 17th through March 27 as a precautionary measure enacted by the Governor of Arkansas as a result ...
March 10, 2020
Quiz Bowl Pizza Party made possible with donations from City Champs
March 9, 2020
There will be a 8 Man Junior High Football Information Meeting on Thursday, March 12th, at 6 pm. The location will be in the High School cafeteria.
February 13, 2020
School will be out on Monday, February 17th in observance of President's Day
February 11, 2020
All students will be out of school on Wednesday, February 12th and Thursday, February 13th because of a high number of absences in Elementary due to illness and continued repair...
February 6, 2020
School will dismiss at 2:00 pm on Thursday, February 6th for Parent Teacher Conferences. Parent Teacher Conferences will be from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm.